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Enertech Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Buy Entertech panels from iSustain Australia and receive free shipping to regional Australia. Enertech solar panels are suitable for both commercial and industrial uses. They may be used for large and small on grid and off grid solar power stations.

Enertech Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Solar Entertech Monocrystalline Silicon PV Module panels are rigorously tested to ensure that they meet the highest international standards. The peak power of a single module is guaranteed in +3% power tolerance and the average power of modules in single order is guaranteed no less than the peak power.


• Solar E process high efficient wafers with cell efficiency of up to 17.5%
• Outstanding electrical performance under high temperature and low irradiance conditions
• High cell efficiency with quality silicon for long term output

WARRANTY - 5 year warranty on material and workmanship
10 and 25 years limited warranty on power output

Solar-E 24V 190W monocrystalline module

Price: $330.00

Module Specifications:

Model: SE-190M
Max Peak Power (MPP): 190 Watts
Voltage @ MPP: 36.31 V
Current @ MPP: 5.23 A
Open Circuit Voltage: 45.2 V
Short Circuit Current: 5.62 A
Dimensions: 1580 x 808 x 46mm
Weight 16kg

Solar-E 24V 195W monocrystalline module

Price: $337.00

Module Specifications:

Model: SE-195M
Max Peak Power (MPP): 195 Watts
Voltage @ MPP: 36.35 V
Current @ MPP: 5.36 A
Open Circuit Voltage: 45.3 V
Short Circuit Current: 5.73 A
Dimensions: 1580 x 808 x 46mm
Weight 16kg


Prices include freight across regional Australia, freight cost to outlying areas may be extra.
All prices are in Australian Dollars and include 10% GST.
All prices are subject to change and should be confirmed before ordering.

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This page was updated on Sunday, March 11, 2012.

Enertech Monocrystalline Solar Panels
Remote Power Supplies - iSustain Australia